Following a major disaster, first responders who provide fire and medical services will not be able to meet the demand for these services... People will have to rely on each other for help in order to meet their immediate life saving and life sustaining needs.
— FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Agency, USA


Presidential Policy Directive PPD-8 National Preparedness

Recognizing that preparedness is a shared responsibility, it calls for the involvement of everyone—not just the government—in preparedness efforts.

Whole Community includes:

  • Individuals and families, including those with access and functional needs

  • All Businesses both large and small

  • Faith-based and community organizations

  • Nonprofit groups

  • Schools and academia

  • Media outlets

  • All levels of government, including state, local, tribal, territorial, and federal partners

By working together, everyone can keep the nation safe from harm and resilient when struck by hazards, such as natural disasters, like earthquakes.